These may also be scattered throughout the codebase... Search @TODO across the codebase for more things TODO


  • [bent find] find project, find file (in current state or across commit history?), find string in files
  • [bent cd project_name] or [bent switch project PROJECT_NAME] to cd into project dir
    • by printing cd /path/to/project, which you must then copy+paste into your terminal
  • [bent check] to: check current status, download latest updates, and whatever else I think of. Intention is to run at the start of your code day to get your project into a proper state


  • [bent delete project]: Delete project online
  • [bent delete submodule]: Remove a submodule from your project
  • [bent delete file]: Remove a file from git, but maybe not from local machine? Idk


  • Configuration options.
    • to auto-upload on save or not
    • multiple remotes, multiple users
    • Colors of headers, instructional messages, status messages, etc


  • setting up webhooks
  • Setting up git-based web deployment


  • [bent archive]: create a tag, prefixed with archive/
  • [bent reset]: force local to be identical to remote files
  • [bent reset remote]: Force remote to be identical to local files
  • [bent publish]: push to a webserver


  • write tests
  • Create a prompt_ordefault function. Example output: We will upload to 'origin': ([enter]-confirm / c-cancel / e-edit):
    • This could also take a string input & use that over the default instead of having an e-edit step